Category Archives: Thomas Nelson

Book Review: The Noticer:

The Noticer by Andy Andrews

  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Pub. Date: April 2009
  • ISBN-13: 9780785229216
  • Sales Rank: 18,323
  • 170pp

The Noticer, is an interesting twist on a Christian Living meets story. Andrews shares the story of “Jones”, yes that is right “Jones” not “Mr. Jones. Jones is a gentle man that everyone in Andy’s hometown seems to know from a different encounter in their lives. Usually the encounters are brief and end before the individual is ready for them to end. “Jones” appears and reappears to different people throughout he course of their lives.

“Jones” brings to each individual something they are lacking, persepctive. “Jones” seems to know more about each individual than they even know about themselves. “Jones” first appearance in each person’s life and story is usually at a point where they are in a dark, sad, or lonely place. “Jones” seeks to speak encouragement and perspective into the lives of those he encounters.

Through the stories presented in The Noticer one is challenged to rethink how they interact with those around them. The care and concern that they seek to provide to others, as well as how well they pay attention to the lives in the grand scheme of things. Each individual whose story is shared in The Noticer was changed by their encounters with “Jones” and as a result their lives were changed drastically. Andrews writes to encourage interactions between individuals so that lives are changed. He desires for people to spend time and notice others and their circumstances and to speak the truth in love and help provide a little perscpective.

Its a great and enjoyable read!

Book Review: Think and Make It Happen

Think and Make It Happen

The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Overcoming Negative Thoughts, and Discovering Your True Potential
Jacketed Hardcover

ISBN: 0785227814
ISBN-13: 9780785227816

Dr. Augusto Cury tackles the subject of overcoming negative thinking with an interesting approach that is not often ventured or proposed by other scholars. Dr. Cury looks not only at the psychological side of negative thinking and working to change ones negatives into more positive thoughts, he also uses Jesus Christ as an example and way of explaining how to change ones thoughts. While capturing the idea’s and thoughts that he is attempting to convey to the reader the book is a slow read. The book presents itself as an interesting topic and read but requires patience and perseverance to complete.
If one can be patient with Dr. Cury’s writing style this book is a good read and self help book. He throughout the book references items that will be discussed in future chapters however fails to give much of explanation of that point and relying on the reader to continue through the book with a desire to understand everything. While being a struggle to read as an academic it is a book that with patience can be an asset to one’s library and life.

Book Review: The Kingdom of the Occult

The Kingdom of the Occult
By Dr. Walter Martin, Jill Martin Rische and Kurt Van Gorden
ISBN: 1418516449ISBN-13: 9781418516444

The Kingdom of the Occult, provides the reader with a very through and complete understanding and look into the world of the occult. Martin, Rische and Gorden have provided lthe reader not only with a foundation and framework to understanding the occult but also provides an appropriate Christian response to this sensitive matter.

This book provides the reader who has little to no understanding of the occult a very valuable tool in their library. While not providing a complete solution or response, as one does not exist, it does provide one with enough information that they will be able to better understand the occult and have a starting point for their conversations, interactions and reactions.

This book is one that is a must have for any pastor, seminary student, or youth worker. The Occult is not something that is deeply studied in most seminaries and this provides an amazingly well done over view of this subject. Reader beware it will cause you to think more deeply about things that you do see in the world around you. This book is a long read, but with such an important subject you can’t dot it justice in any less pages. Take your time and prayerfully read this book and use it carefully.